
What’s Happening at Dupre Strickland’s Anointed Hands Boxing Gym in Slidell, LA?

After seeing Dupre Strickland on Instagram, we made a visit to Anointed Hands Boxing Gym in Slidell, LA to see first-hand, the work he's doing with area youth. We were blown away by his passion and positive message.

Here’s a transcript of our interview with Dupre Strickland:

How you like it buddy? All good? Good excitement? It’s a lot of excitement. Fantastic. It’s what we do, man.

You know, this is what we do. I try to get them strong, bro. You know, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. They need to know that they know, you know what I’m saying?

Look, if God is for them, can’t nobody be against them, alright? But they got to be strong. Look, the word is saying, he wished that we all prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prosper. You understand?

So all this goes together. You know, you got to be actively motivated, you know what I’m saying? Positivity, you know what I’m saying? Courageous with this situation up in this boxing gym.

So, you know, each one reach one, each one teach one. In other words, in my gym. You know, it’s family-oriented, you know what I mean? We’re all just getting along. One big happy family.

We got all colors, all different races in my gym. That’s how Heaven is going to be. All races, all different races, that’s right. So we’re leaving nobody out in Anointed Hands Boxing, anybody that wants to come and relieve stress, you know what I’m saying? Get their emotions out in a most productive way as far as being safe. Come on to Anointed Hands Boxing and we can channel that, you know what I’m saying? In a most positive productive way.

So I mean, we come up in here, man, we get our minds right, we get healthy, you know? We speak life, we don’t speak death, you know, into our situations. We speak life and the more you speak the life, the more you transition to that positivity action.

See, we got an action called PPM. It’s called positive power movement. Stand positive and everything that you do, being productive because if not, you’re being destructive. Either you’re going to be positively productive or negativity destructive and we don’t need that.

You know what I’m saying? There’s too much going on right now. So PPM, positive power movement. You got to stay positive. Power comes from above and that movement, he want to flow through them veins, you know what I’m saying?

So you can help somebody in any type of situation. You got to tell them whose report you’re going to believe. You know what I’m saying? They got to know that they’re going to believe the report of the Lord because today, the enemy is out here.

Man, the enemy is out here and it makes me sad. It makes my heart like skip a beat because they don’t realize that the emotions, the people are letting emotions get the best of them, point blank period. Because of the way the world is in the system they can’t think rationally so their emotions just go into turmoil and they do whatever comes first that’s not good. It’s not good for you to do whatever comes first.

Think or stink – this is what I tell my people, my crew. Either you gonna think or you gonna stink, so when y ‘all are in that school and you’re not thinking, you need to put your hands right here because you’re stinking. Okay? So I mean it’s just easy. It’s easy for them to understand that and to change the situation. Think first before your actions.

You need to think about your actions before you do it, because there are consequences. They got to know that there are consequences for good behavior, and there are consequences for bad behavior. So it’s your choice, because nobody’s putting a gun to your head in the school telling you to do something bad or what they want to do.

So in that PPM movement, y ‘all got to be the one to make the bad good. We got to make the bad good. Other than that, the bad gonna make you bad. And that’s not good. Remember this, one bad apple can waste and make 12 good apples go sour.

Okay, so you need help? We got help out here, but we want to do it on our own. But we’re not meant to do this on our own. If one can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten. Think about that.

The word is if one can put a thousand in the flight, two can put ten. So I think we’re more productive in unity, all right? So God works with people, man. Look, we got to understand that this world is not gonna get any easier, all right?

But if God be for you, who can be against you? The world’s not gonna get any easier. But if you know that God is for you, like literally in your heart, who can be against you? So why dwell in all this corruption, on all this chaos, knowing you really can’t do anything about it but pray?

We can’t do anything about this situation but pray. And guess what? Prayer changes things. Prayer changes things. I’m a true believer. I know this, all right? I know this. But people got to come to the realization that we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

We can’t live by bread alone. Think about the fruits of the Spirit. Who’s thinking about the fruits of the Spirit out here? There’s nine. That’s right, there’s nine. You got love, you got joy, you got peace, you got goodness, you got faithfulness, you got gentleness, self-control, [forebearance, and kindness]. You got nine fruits of the spirit that we need to be walking out here. And you won’t be so easily to be moved. You see, we got to humble ourselves.

We got to humble ourselves. Even in situations that we know that we’re in the right at times, you still got to humble yourself. Because you can’t do the same thing everybody else is doing in those type of situations.

Nothing gets accomplished. If no one humbled themselves, nothing gets accomplished but turmoil. Who wants that, man? I don’t want to see that. We’ve got enough turmoil out here. The kids need talking to like every day, not just in their home, but on the outside of their home because they got to know that other people care.

They need to understand that, look, other people on the outside care about where they’re going in their life. But if not, nothing’s gonna get done and everything is gonna go bottomless because nobody’s showing that they care and that’s not good.

People can get together and atmospheres can change if they’re positively productive. But if they’re not, there’s no change, you know what I’m saying? But with God, there’s change. I know with Christ, there’s change.

Look, in Him we live, in Him we move, in Him we have our being. Think about that. In Christ we live. in Christ we move and in Him we have our being. Apart from Christ, we’re nothing. Apart from Christ, we’re nothing.

So you gotta study to show yourself approved. You can’t just talk it, you gotta study. You gotta study, you gotta renew that mind on a day-to-day basis because if not, all the cares on the world in this world gonna move your mind for you.

All right, so I mean, we want peace. We want love, we want joy, we want happiness. We don’t want chaos, you know? But we need role models, man. We need true role models that are gonna speak out without the profanity, without talking about stuff that kids don’t ever need to hear.

You know, they need to make it simple and carry on and let these kids know that they have greatness in them. The kids need to know that they have greatness in them. If nobody’s out here telling them on a day-to-day basis, then they not thinking about it because they have too much other stuff to be thinking about that’s negative.

So we got to come to a conclusion to let these kids know that everybody has a talent, has a gift, but that next person on the right or the left, if they’re not moving in the same direction, you can let them take that away from you.

And that’s not good, you know, that’s not good. We want good, we want good, guys. So you know what? Let’s come together, let’s pray together, and let’s make this happen.

See, there’s supposed to be heaven on earth. We want heaven on earth. You know, the Bible said that there could be heaven on earth, but you just got to go through it. In order to get to it, you got to go through it.

That’s me, all in a nutshell, I’m just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, about somebody, who can change anybody. That’s who I am.

You just have to be willing. It’s your choice. Everybody has a choice. The choice is to choose this day who you’re going to serve.

Today is salvation. Now is salvation. You can’t wait. Tomorrow, is promised to nobody. We got to get our act together now as if it was our last day. You don’t want to live in depression on your last day.

That’s not happiness. That’s not joy. That’s not giving you the things that you want before you leave this earth. He wants us to be happy, and joyous in all our trials and tribulations because the world has to see whose report you’re going to believe.

If you believe the report of the Lord, you’re standing. You’re standing in the midst of your trials and tribulations because you know if God is for you, who can be against you? Period.

Once you know that, you know it. Man, we have a destiny. you You know what I mean? We have a destiny, don’t we? And our destiny is Heaven, it’s not this. This is not it. None of this, this here is nothing but a vapor.

This is just a vapor. This is just a pass through, buddy. And once we know it, it’s good that we know it because we can do something about what we know. We’re not foolish, bro. We know that God is the savior of the universe.

Jesus is Lord. We know this, buddy. They got to know it. They got to know it, right? Like right now, they got to know it. They got to know it. You know what I’m saying? Right now, but they got to know it, or they’re lost, bro.

Anointed Hands Boxing Gym is located at 1530 Front St, Slidell, LA 70458. Call them at (985) 646-0058 or visit their website at http://www.duprestricklandboxing.com/ or Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ahboxing/



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